Courage is not something that only few are born with... we are all born courageous.. but as we grow and gain knowledge we stop being courageous as being innocent, not-knowing... feels stupid.. Haven't we seen, a child is most courageous...takes up any challenge. Because he is still innocent.. knowledge has not corrupted his mind.. so he can be himself .But as he grows he follows the crowd and their ideology, their religion, their conventions, their culture and he becomes growing up makes people clever and we now know being fearful is the easiest..
Courage doesn't need exceptional acts to prove itself,,,its just about daring to live life moment to moment, in innocence and in wonder just like a small child...without courage a child cant walk a single step..without feeling the fire on his hand he wud never know the burning sensation ..and for all the experiences he has to be courageous and let it go ...this is the beauty of it..but who wants to b a child anymore..whole world is in hurry to grow up and be a knowledgeable person.Courage is abt dropping the known and moving into unknown...but how many of us are ready to do this...we are happy and safe with whatever our mind has courage is never of the mind, it is always of the heart. Minds are cowards; hearts are courageous. Mind is nothing but the past and its fixed ideas. Mind doesnt know anything new so it never allows us to plunge into the feels safe with the known. Courage is a quality of heart like love thrives on courage and courage is loves richness. Logic is of mind and is very poor and its only for mindful. ..Mind only knows to cling to the reasons and all that u have ever heard, listened and it loves to play on only knows how to cant give away u can never give anything if u r a mindful person..only heartful person knows the joy of giving..So only lovers know the richness of existence, the poetry, the music, the creativity of life.
Love is the source of all that is good, all that is worthwhile, all that is meaningful, significant. and so its only for love demands immence courage ... the quality of a child not of an adult...courage means fearlessness.Courage is risking known for the unknown, familiar for the unfamiliar, comfortable for the uncomfortable, ..dont escape from any situation- if you escape, then something will remain missing in you. The difference between a coward and a courageous person is a coward listens to his fears and follows them, and the courageous puts them aside and goes ahead inspite of all fears..fears are there but if u go on accepting the challenge again and again slowly , slowly those fears disappear. Society will try in every way to force u according to its ideas. Its better to suffer than to compromise, because with compromise ur soul will be lost for ever....and u will loose the purpose of being alive.Courage is the capacity to assert; '' I am myself, and my life is my life, and i am going to live it my way. I am not here to live according to others, I will live according to my light whatsoever the cost ''
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