Thursday, 4 June 2015

Never say No

There are basically two types of people , says Paramhansa Yogananda-those who r governed by the ' never say die ' spirit, full of confidence, ready to face all sorts of challenges in life; and those who see the gloomy side of things ,are given to worrying, and lack the confidence to fight adversity.

Indeed, the habit of negative thinking could shatter your confidence and impair your judgement. Negative thoughts like" I won't be able to to climb that steep hill" or " I am not hopeful of making the grade " constantly occupy the mind of a person with a pessimist approach to life. To such a person, success proves illusive .

The National Science Foundation estimated that on an average , people have 70000 to 80000 thoughts per day, with 80% of those being negative and 95% being repetitive.

This implies that we are not really thinking, our mind is being governed by the memory of earlier thoughts. Negative thoughts , over a period of time, becomes so deeply entrenched in the mind that a specific groove is created on the brain that makes you behave in a certain way, often against your wish. Special effort is required to eradicate negative thoughts and to create brain pattern of positive thinking. 
One way of doing this is that we strictly avoid categorising thoughts as good or bad. Understand that these thoughts come and go voluntarily from the collective consciousness and do not really own them. You might not have control over what enters ur brain , but u definitely have power to remain indifferent to these and watch them like witness.
Secondly, try to keep ur mind constantly occupied in sum constructive activity.
Thirdly, through deep meditation, make efforts to get connected with the positive energy,the cosmic current that constantly flows within u. Do introspection on a regular basis and invoking the power of ur will. Constantly assert in meditation:" By the power of Devine will, all my negative tendencies will soon b destroyed " . 

It is correctly said that "an idle mind is the devils workshop" don't pay attention to temporary emotions created with negative thoughts. Don't take actions based on temporary emotions as they will soon b gone. Let ur actions b based on ur permanent prevailing feelings.

Article courtesy: Anup Taneja from speaking tree.

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