Sunday 18 May 2014


Most of u must be aware of Newtons first law of motion, about Inertia ie. amount of resistance used to change velocity lay man's language  it means , that an object will continue moving at its current velocity (speed) until some force causes its speed or direction to change ..  I never had clue when in school , that I will understand Newton's first law of inertia only well enough the minute it would hit me..I am in a state of inertia..hit, shaken, shocked, and in very bad shape of mind, direction less .,but one can't b in this state for long, and so m hopeful :)

Today when I look back i see how endless effort of my physics teacher to dilute newtons law of motion in our system had left him exhausted ... and he invariably failed to wipe our doubts with his knowledge...I wish To meet him and tell him..dear sir, I do understand today what inertia is ,, as life is teaching me  well enough and without any doubts..
"lessons that life teaches us , no one can and so we hear all the time ,"life is our best teacher"...and most practical of all,  I am really happy , if not about anything then at least about learning law of motion..

 ( velocity- is the speed of anything in a given direction or rate of change of position.... its speed in a particular direction  ) 

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